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The VinesServiceName variable in NOTES.INI


Green Team
Может кто сталкивался и знает, что означает данная ошибка:

Server XXX reported the following problem causing authentication to fail: ID in vault is inactive

The VinesServiceName variable in NOTES.INI is set, and the item name does not match the Notes service name.


Lotus Team
2 608
Может кто сталкивался и знает, что означает данная ошибка:

The VinesServiceName variable in NOTES.INI is set, and the item name does not match the Notes service name.
Defines the service name for Domino servers only.
Examples: VinesServiceName=servername@group@organization

If the logged-in administrator and the Domino PC-based service are not in the same StreetTalk group, you can set the VinesServiceName parameter to the full StreetTalk name of the Domino PC-based service. If they are not in the same group, then it is easier to determine the group the server is in when the name of the server is the full StreetTalk name of the PC-based service.

описание еще есть в книге DominoNetconfig50.pdf
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